Crunch & Sip: Teacher Tips

Crunch and Sip is an initiative in WA (and a few other states) that encourages students to eat an extra serve of fruit or veg each day. Many Crunch and Sip schools have moved away from having students bring a piece of fruit to share, and rather, encourage students to bring a portion just for themselves.

Yes, I’m a Speech Pathologist primarily but some of you may not know that I am also a qualified Primary Teacher! So, here are my top teacher tips for packing your child’s Crunch and Sip:

  1. Pack the Crunch and Sip in a separate container to recess/lunch food.
    During Crunch and Sip (a dedicated eating time in addition to recess and lunch) students are only permitted to eat fruit or veg. I have found, that when packed with other recess and lunch foods, it can be challenging for young children especially to understand (and be okay with) the concept that they are only able to eat specific foods from their lunch box at that time. *Cue tears about not being able to eat their salami sticks until later.*
    Reduce the temptation by packing the fruit and veg separately.
  2.  Make sure the container is easy to open.
    This goes for recess and lunch too! We ideally want the students to be as independent as possible. Of course, help will always be offered, but as a teacher it can be challenging to get around and help a full classroom of students to open and close their lunchboxes! 
  3. Pre-cut fruit and veg (especially for younger children).
    Yes, this requires a little extra prep time the night before, but we know it can be challenging for younger children especially to eat whole fruits (like apples) or peel whole fruits (like oranges). Pre-cut the fruit or veg to make sure your child gets to spend more time eating! Teachers also do not have the time to cut 25 students apple. 
  4. Don't pack too much!
    Crunch & Sip is only a short snack and water break. Pack just enough for your child to eat in about 10 minutes. Your child will always be encouraged to keep any leftovers to eat at recess or lunch, but I have found that some students really don't like having to pack up until they've finished eating everything.
  5. Make sure there's at least one food item that your child likes.
    It's fine to pack small portions of multiple fruits or veg, and you know i'm always an advocate for exposure to new foods; however, make sure there is at least one food in the snack box that you know your child definitely accepts. 

Remember - these are my personal tips, your child's teacher may have their own expectations.

Check out this link if you want to know more about the crunch and sip initiative


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